Salinity and Serenity: Floating Your Way to Inner Peace
Salinity and Serenity: Floating Your Way to Inner Peace Serenity. That sounds nice, doesn’t it? With 2020 not letting up as it careens to a close, serenity can seem like nothing but an out-of-reach pipedream – both in our own lives and in the world as a whole. It’s difficult to relax and focus on the present when so much of even the immediate future is uncertain. In times like these, though, fostering that sense of mindfulness and serenity is perhaps one of the most important things that we can do. With so much of the chaos around us being outside of our control, it’s especially important to focus on those areas where we can have the most positive impact. As always, one of the most immediate places we can make the largest difference is in taking better care of ourselves. Even more precisely, cultivating our own mental health – our own serenity – is a very worthwhile endeavor. When discussing mental health it can be tempting to talk about the negative symptoms of a certain condition, su...